Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Sunday, July 19, 2009


My obsession with the website that tracks my site continues. I've now become fascinated with the part of that site that tells me what googled phrases led them to my site. My favorites are, dysfunctional sleep arrangements; Duggars at the creation museum; Full House episode where kid gets head stuck in banister. I'm going to strive to be an honest blogger and not shamelessly look for ways to insert things into my blog that will lead people to find this blog. Michael Jackson - Oh oops, I'm sorry, that slipped out. What I meant to say was, after that little slip I'm not going to do that.

Today's book - If you don't already know what today's book then I just can't help you. So I think I'll skip over the book description today. Plus I'm too lazy to go look it up right now.

Shallow thoughts:

  • My sister peer pressured me into reading today's book. She's been trying to convince me to read it for years, but I've always avoided it. So instead she decided to sit back, bide her time, and wait until I started a book blog in which I take suggestions, and then she pounced. She's cagey that way. I think she's been secretly planning this for years. So I finally caved and read the book - and I wasn't crazy about it. I didn't hate it, but I'm not feeling the intense Harry Potter love that so many seem to feel. I almost feel like I should have been hanging my head in shame while typing that last sentence.

  • This is so sad and pathetic, but here's the sentence (or rather the part of the sentence) that stood out the most, ". . . the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them." - The sad and pathetic part is not that the sentence stood out in the first place, but that when I read it my first thought was of Hostess products. It's probably just my upbringing talking on that one.

Really Shallow Thoughts (because "Shallow Thoughts" just wasn't a strong enough title for what I'm about to say) -

  • I love the paper that this book was printed on. It was just delightful. Very few publishing companies seem to realize that paper matters - although I do allow for the possibility that I might be the only person who is concerned about such things.