The Book of Joe

Friday, July 17, 2009

I've officially become addicted to my new Twitter page (I promise that's the last time I'm going to shamelessly plug my Twitter page on here.) I started out telling myself that I was only going to post over there two or three times a day - but it seems that the combination of having a blog and a Twitter page has caused be to operate under the delusion that every single thought that pops into my head during the day needs to be shared, and with as many people as possible. This could become a dangerous thing. I'm becoming way too enamored with my own thoughts. If this keeps up then someone may have stage an intervention at some point and remind me that every single thought that I have is not fascinating.

It has been a welcome relief this week to have the Twitter page, where I don't have to worry about writing anything long each day, because this has been a difficult week with blogging. I've been having trouble sleeping and my brain has felt like it took a summer vacation, and so I have spent most of the week struggling to read the book and get this entry up. But that's okay, because one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to write this blog was because I was interested in seeing what would happen if I forced myself to read a book every day, even on holidays, even when I'm sick, even when I don't feel like reading - no matter what. And I'm finding out that I can still enjoy a book even when I don't feel like reading. I've also found out that every time I hit a wall with reading/blogging, and continue to push through the wall anyway, then I end up coming out on the other side enjoying reading, blogging, and my life in general even more than before I hit that wall. I'm sure there's some self-help, Dr. Phil-ish, personal growth moment to be found in there somewhere but I'm feeling too tired and lazy to look for it now. So I'll think about it next week when I'm well rested.

Today's book, "After Joe Goffman's Bush Falls becomes a runaway bestseller, he never expects to go back to his small Connecticut hometown and face the outrage generated by the dark secrets his autobiographical novel reveals. But when his father suffers a life-threatening stroke, return the unhappy and unfulfilled Joe does, to meet head-on the antipathy waiting for him."

Today is day six of having standards, and once again I enjoyed the book, which makes five out of the last six days. Wow, having standards works. Who knew? Well actually, probably everybody but me. What can I say, I'm slow to catch on.

The book was really good - although I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is offended by profanity. There wasn't an overwhelming amount of it, but it was still frequent enough to offend if you don't like that sort of thing. Fortunately for me I find profanity endearing because it reminds me of my Grandmother who used profanity approximately every fourth word. Every time I hear someone swear I feel like I'm eight years old, standing in my Grandmother's kitchen, reveling in the joy of watching the Mother who bossed me around get bossed around by her Mother. In short, when I hear profanity I feel like all is right with the world - but if you have delicate eyes then steer clear.

Here's a passage that will give you a better glimpse into the book, " 'So let's review,' Owen says when I'm done, not even trying to conceal is merriment. 'In the last twenty-four hours, you've returned to your hometown, where essentially everyone hates you, you've been reunited, however awkwardly, with your estranged family, you've walked in on a sexual liaison, gotten in trouble with the law, been assaulted on two separate occasions, and met with an ailing friend and gotten drunk with him. Am I leaving anything out?' "

Join me tomorrow dear readers as Suggestion Saturday makes it triumphant return.